Creating a Workplace Culture of Quality and Safety NR532 week 7

Collaboration Café:Creating a Workplace Culture of Quality and Safety

Creating a Workplace Culture of Quality and Safety. You are being interviewed for a departmental administrator position for a department that has undergone a long period of transitory leaders. You are told morale is relatively low, there is little sense of teamwork apparent among the staff, and patient satisfaction scores have been decreasing.  The CNO asks you to share your philosophy of leadership and what strategies you might use to bring about a positive change in the department. Based on previous learning about contemporary leadership approaches, criteria for a healthy work environment, and the three concepts from this week’s lesson on creating a culture of quality and safety in the work environment:

  1. Share your philosophy of leadership.
  2. Share the strategies/processes you will use to create a culture of a quality and safe work environment.
  3. What evidence will you see at the end of six months of whether a positive change has occurred? More

Answe Guide:

Share your philosophy of leadership

My leadership philosophy is based on the elements of transformational leadership. As a leader, I believe in inspiring and motivating my team members by setting goals and supporting them to overcome challenges. I believe in providing them with the right mentorship to improve themselves as well as the performance of the team.   I believe in empowering the team members through individualized consideration and support.

Share the strategies/processes you will use to create a culture of a quality and safe work environment

Staff development is crucial in developing a culture of quality and safety.  Staff development through strategies such as training, mentorship, and recognition can enhance the competence level and positively impact the staff with work. This in turn can positively impact their delivery of patient care and enhance quality and safety….Unlock the Full Solution Now – Click to Get All