(Answer Guide) NR631 WK4: Review of the Literature

Assignment Overview

Begin your review of the literature by constructing a research summary table. You will use the research summary table to synthesize the literature on your intervention into the Review of the Literature paper.

Assignment Requirements

The following information should be included in this section of your proposal.

  1. Research Summary Table
    1. Collect a minimum of 10 current scholarly research studies related to your proposed executive CGE project intervention.
    2. Use the Research Summary Table Template to develop your table. For each article/study that will be used in your paper, fill in the table in your own words.
  2. Review of the Literature Paper
    1. Examining your table column by column, identify major themes in your articles.
    2. Use your major themes to organize your Review of the Literature under subheadings. You are likely to have two to five themes or subheadings.
    3. Briefly summarize the major themes from your synthesis of the literature to end your review of the literature.
    4. The paper should be 3-5 pages long, not including the title page, reference list, and Research Summary Table. This is an estimate to guide you and not a strict requirement. Link to week 5

Place your Research Summary Table at the end of the template labeled “Appendix A, Research Summary Table.”

Answer Guide: Review of the Literature

A Comprehensive Fall Prevention Program

             Fall among geriatric patients especially those in rehabilitation and nursing homes is a key concern. Studies indicate that geriatric patients are at a high risk of falling and sustaining fall-related injuries.  Patient falls are associated with high cost of care, lengthened hospital stay, and poor quality of life due to reduced mobility.  Studies indicate that falls increase the length of hospital stay by 6012 days and the cost of fall-related injuries ranges between $19 376 to $32 215 (Dykes et al., 2022).  In light of this, there is a need for a multifactorial intervention that can help to holistically address falls in long-term care facilities.  The proposed PICOT question is In residents of the Menorah Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing Care in New York (P), does the implementation of a comprehensive fall prevention program that includes a safety audit to identify gaps, staff training, and technology such as bed alarms (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce the on the incidence of falls by 20% (O) over 16 weeks (T)? The proposed intervention to address the issue is a comprehensive fall prevention program that comprises multi-component interventions to help improve fall outcomes.  This is because there are multitudes of factors that contribute to patient falls. This paper therefore provides a literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles.

Synthesis of the Literature

             A synthesis of the literature is of paramount importance because it provides a better understanding of the topic of interest and any gaps in the literature. In light of this, this synthesis comprises 10 peer-reviewed journal articles on fall prevention programs.  The key themes that emerged from the review of the literature include staff training and education, the use of technology, and patient-centered approaches.

Staff Training and Education

The review of the literature has shown that staff training and education are important in reducing incidents of falls. Training ensures that the …..Unlock the Full Solution Now – Click to Get All Answers!”